Renewal of the location of the town of Kalisz in 1282

The transformation of the stronghold in Kalisz with its adjacent settlement into a town offers a typical pattern for Poland in the Middle Ages. See: M. Młynarska, Proces lokacji Kalisza w XIII i w pierwszej połowie XIV wieku (Process of location of Kalisz in the 13th and the first half of the 14th c.), in: Osiemnaście wieków Kalisza (Eighteen centuries of Kalisz), Vol. 1, Poznań 1960, pp. 103-130

Edited in: Codex diplomaticus Maioris Poloniae, Vol. 1, Poznań 1877, No. 511, pp. 478-479

… We Przemysł II, by the grace of God Duke of Greater Poland, notify everyone, both contemporary people and descendants, who will read this charter, that in consideration of the faithful and useful service of beloved and faithful Henryk, our mayor in Kalisz, and in order to improve the condition of our country, we renew the location of this town, received by Henryk in a legal and just way from our most honourable paternal uncle the late lord Bolesław, by the grace of God Duke of Great Poland, with the right of inheritance for himself and his descendants. We renew the location to be perpetually possessed by him and his successors with the right of inheritance and we confirm it with our privilege. Namely, the mentioned mayor is allowed to lease land within the distance of two miles from each side of our town of Kalisz, with the same right as stated in the acts of towns and villages around Środa Śląska. He is allowed to freely take each sixth mark with the right of inheritance in particular locations he will set up. After the years of tax exemption pass, each hide will pay a customary silver quarter-mark, four measures of wheat, four of rye and four of oat instead of the rent and the tithes due from the land-holder. On the grounds of his location Henryk will freely and completely possess one mill in Piwonice. The mill situated near the town of Kalisz will owe half-service to this mayor, in such a way, that each year one mark will be due to us as a rent and the other mark will be due to the mayor. As many mills this mayor will build within one mile up and down the River Prosna, as many will be given to us by half. In the town of Kalisz the mentioned mayor and his heirs will permanently possess in a peaceful and inviolable manner every sixth tavern, every sixth garden, three baths and other facilities he will be allowed to build, a slaughter house for slaughtering cattle, one fisherman, every sixth juggler’s stall, shambles of butchers, stalls of shoemakers and bakers and three hides of a free estate in Borkowo. Furthermore, he will permanently possess fishing rights in Piwonice and a free garden, a meadow around the old town and one free garden there. Next, people of every condition will present themselves in Kalisz at the mayor’s court. He is to judge all major and minor cases, such as murders, mutilations, arsons and all other ones which may arise, by whosever intermediacy a complaint will be filed to him. And whoever will oppose and neglect our legal verdict, should know that he exposed himself to our grave wrath. The mayor with his heirs will also permanently receive every third denar from each judged case. And the villages within the district of the mentioned town, namely Tłokinia, Tyniec, Borkowo, Russów, Kokanin, Majków, Piwonice, Dobrzec and all which may be still located, will take part in the provincial court three times a year. The old town will also be subject to judicial authority of the mayor. The market tax will not be permanently paid in the new and the old town, but instead of this payment the castellan will collectively take twelve marks in coins from the stalls. There will be no stalls within one mile [from the town], apart from those which belong to churches. The fair will take place in Kalisz on Mondays. All the other laws are to be strictly obeyed, as it is done in Środa Śląska. Given in Kalisz, in the year of grace 1282 through Tylon, the scribe of our court, indiction X.